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Title: 黎朝聖宗期の嘉興何氏 : 嘱書の比較から
Other Titles: The Ha 何 Family of Gia Hung 嘉興 Prefecture in the Period of King Le Thanh Tong : Analysis from a Comparison of Testaments
Authors: 八尾, 隆生  KAKEN_name
Author's alias: YAO, Takao
Issue Date: 31-Dec-1997
Publisher: 東洋史研究會
Journal title: 東洋史研究
Volume: 56
Issue: 3
Start page: 637
End page: 665
Abstract: The Ha family, who were Tho thu 土酋--heads of the Muong people in Than Son sub-prefecture, Vinh Phu province in northwest Vietnam--have handed down to us a testament that dates from the fifteenth century, as did the Dinh 丁 family, who were the Quanlang 官郎 or vice-heads of this same village. In this testament, there was an attempt made to accord with the format of the Le government. First, unlike the Dinh family testament, in this testament the names of the ancestors and those of the successors are clearly indicated. Second, the indications of the size and location of private land accords considerably with the Le government's format. Finally, the "Le" 例 section (provisions in the village--this section deviated from the purpose of the testaments) in this testament is smaller than in that of the Dinh. Analysis of the content of the testament shows us, however, that the concept of the right of land ownership was essentially the same between the two families. The reason for the apparent difference between the two testaments is that the Tho thu was required to have more direct contact with officials of the sub-prefecture sent by the Le government. It can be concluded that it was the Le government that issued the titles to ensure order in this area (although thus possibly causing disturbance) and to make the claim for "Another Middle Empire in the South".
DOI: 10.14989/155149
Appears in Collections:56巻3号

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