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タイトル: 晩唐詩の「夢」 : 李商隱と杜牧の一側面
著者: 松岡, 秀明  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Matsuoka, Hideaki
発行日: Apr-1979
出版者: 京都大學文學部中國語學中國文學硏究室內中國文學會
誌名: 中國文學報
巻: 30
開始ページ: 45
終了ページ: 73
抄録: Li Shang-in 李商隱 and Tu Mu 杜牧 are two representative poets of the late T'ang 晩唐. In their poetry the word 'dream' (mêng, 夢) appears considerably more frequently than in the work of other T'ang poets or of the Liu Ch'ao poets. Their distinctive use of this word, reflecting their deep interest in the dream, serves to express their unique poetic imaginations. The notion of the dream becomes crucial to an understanding of their poetry. Li Shang-in links dreaming to contact with some other person; the words 'dream' (夢) and 'letter' (shu, 書) are quite often placed in parallel positions within a couplet. In earlier poetry, dreams are a common setting for meetings, particularly for love rendezvous. But Li Shang-in's desire to dream is basically one of escape, transcendance of the hardships of this world. For the world in which the dream-meeting will occur is wholly a different one, a world removed from sorrow, a world deeply yearned for by the poet. Tu Mu's dreams appear, in his nature poems, to be constantly associated with the natural element water (shui, 水). The dream may occur beside a spring, a mountain stream, in the rain, or on a boat in a river. Though the content of the dream often remains unclear, still, in the close relation between the dream and water lies the key to an important element of the poet's vision: the flow from a troubled daily life to a beautiful natural setting (ching, 景), through serenity (shien, 閑) to slumber (mien, 眠), which drifts in turn to the dream, and finally, in a state of profound unconsciousness, a return to the Mother (mu, 母). Yüan Chen 元稹 and Po Chu-yi 白居易 of the Middle T'ang 中唐 wrote many poems taking dreams as their title or theme, but with Li Shang-in and Tu Mu only a few are of that sort, though, again, the word 'dream' appears quite often in their work. They seem concerned more with the poetic meaning of 'the dream' than with recounting a given dream's content. It may be said that in their poetic usage of the word they take a step beyond many of their famous predecessors.
DOI: 10.14989/177355
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/177355


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