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タイトル: Numerical analysis of Mud flow using VOF scheme with Non-Newtonian model
著者: Matsumoto, Kensaku
Maruyama, Masayoshi
発行日: 8-Oct-2012
誌名: Matsue Conference Proceedings (The Tenth International Symposium on Mitigation of Geo-disasters in Asia
開始ページ: 95
終了ページ: 101
論文番号: 共同研究(一般研究集会)24K-02
抄録: The behavior of high concentration sediment flow was examined as incompressible viscosity free surface fluid with a pseudo-plastic non-Newton fluid model, and the validity is verified by accuracy verification by experiment. The dam break experiment is conducted with various water content ratios, and the fluid-analysis result and experimental result by the VOF method are compared. Correlations between water content ratio and the dynamic viscosity in N-S equation was examined. The result can reproduce the almost same form and it is thought that the correlation between dynamic viscosity and moisture content can be examined.
記述: The Tenth International Symposium on Mitigation of Geo-disasters in Asia Matsue Symposium Place: Shimane Civil Center, Matsue Date: 8 October 2012
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/180410
出現コレクション:Matsue Conference Proceedings


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