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タイトル: 2009年版TNM分類によるpT3aN0M0腎細胞癌の再発危険因子の検討
その他のタイトル: Risk Factors for Recurrence in pT3aN0M0 Renal cell Carcinoma According to 2009 TNM Classification
著者: 宇都宮, 紀明  KAKEN_name
河野, 有香  KAKEN_name
松本, 敬優  KAKEN_name
住吉, 崇幸  KAKEN_name
増田, 憲彦  KAKEN_name
白石, 裕介  KAKEN_name
根来, 宏光  KAKEN_name
常森, 寛行  KAKEN_name
杉野, 善雄  KAKEN_name
大久保, 和俊  KAKEN_name
岡田, 卓也  KAKEN_name
清川, 岳彦  KAKEN_name
六車, 光英  KAKEN_name
川喜田, 睦司  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Utsunomiya, Noriaki
Kono, Yuka
Matsumoto, Keiyu
Sumiyoshi, Takayuki
Masuda, Norihiko
Shiraishi, Yusuke
Negoro, Hiromitsu
Tsunemori, Hiroyuki
Sugino, Yoshio
Okubo, Kazutoshi
Okada, Takuya
Segawa, Takehiko
Muguruma, Koei
Kawakita, Mutsushi
キーワード: RCC
2009 TNM
発行日: Jan-2014
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 60
号: 1
開始ページ: 1
終了ページ: 5
抄録: The TNM classification of renal cell carcinoma was updated in 2009. In this new classification system, T3a consists of tumors with renal vein involvement and tumors with fat invasion. To assess risk factors for recurrence, we retrospectively reviewed 89 patients with pT3aN0M0 renal cell carcinoma who underwent radical or partial nephrectomy between 1992 and 2011. Analyzed risk factors for recurrence were age, gender, tumor size, grade, v factor, infiltrative growth (INF), adjuvant interferon, surgical technic (radical or partial), clinical T classification, renal vein thrombus, and pathological fat invasion. The median follow-up was 52.2 months. Five-year recurrence-free survival rate was 69.0%. Within the pT3a subcategory, the five-year recurrence-free survival was 76.7% in patients with fat invasion only, 42.9% in patients with renal vein thrombus only, and 28.6% in patients with the two concomitant features. On univariate analysis, tumor size, grade, INF, clinical T classification, and renal vein thrombus were significantly associated with recurrence. On multivariate analysis, INF (p=0. 023, HR 3. 927) was an independent risk factor for recurrence. In pT3aN0M0 renal cell carcinoma, INF significantly affects recurrence, and patients with both fat invasion and renal vein thrombus have worst prognosis.
著作権等: 許諾条件により本文は2015-02-01に公開
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/182920
PubMed ID: 24594765
出現コレクション:Vol. 60 No. 1


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