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Future projection of radiocesium flux to the ocean from the largest river impacted by Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
  Adhiraga Pratama, Mochamad; Yoneda, Minoru; Shimada, Yoko; Matsui, Yasuto; Yamashiki, Yosuke (2015-02-12)
  Scientific reports, 5
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Initial flux of sediment-associated radiocesium to the ocean from the largest river impacted by Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
  Yamashiki, Yosuke; Onda, Yuichi; Smith, Hugh G; Blake, William H; Wakahara, Taeko; Igarashi, Yasuhito; Matsuura, Yuki; Yoshimura, Kazuya (2014-01-16)
  Scientific reports, 4
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A Satellite-Based Assessment of the Distribution and Biomass of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the Optically Shallow Basin of Lake Biwa
  Yadav, Shweta; Yoneda, Minoru; Susaki, Junichi; Tamura, Masayuki; Ishikawa, Kanako; Yamashiki, Yosuke (2017-09-18)
  Remote Sensing, 9(9)
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Probabilistic risk assessment of solar particle events considering the cost of countermeasures to reduce the aviation radiation dose
  Fujita, Moe; Sato, Tatsuhiko; Saito, Susumu; Yamashiki, Yosuke (2021)
  Scientific Reports, 11
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Extreme Solar Flare as a Catastrophic Risk
  Isobe, Hiroaki; Takahashi, Takuya; Seki, Daikichi; Yamashiki, Yosuke (2022-02)
  Journal of Disaster Research, 17(2): 230-236
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Numerical Simulation Study of Debris Particles Movement Characteristics by Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
  Ueta, Shoji; Hosono, Natsuki; Kuroki, Ryusuke; Yamashiki, Yosuke (2022-02)
  Journal of Disaster Research, 17(2): 237-245
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Prioritization of Different Kinds of Natural Disasters and Low-Probability, High-Consequence Events
  Fujita, Moe; Yamashiki, Yosuke (2022-02)
  Journal of Disaster Research, 17(2): 246-256
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