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著者: Iwakami, Wakana
Nagakura, Hiroki
Yamada, Shoichi
著者名の別形: 岩上, わかな
キーワード: hydrodynamics
stars: rotation
supernovae: general
発行日: 20-Sep-2014
出版者: American Astronomical Society
誌名: The Astrophysical Journal
巻: 793
号: 1
論文番号: 5
抄録: The effect of rotation on the explosion of core-collapse supernovae is investigated systematically in three-dimensional simulations. In order to obtain the critical conditions for explosion as a function of mass accretion rate, neutrino luminosity, and specific angular momentum, rigidly rotating matter was injected from the outer boundary with an angular momentum, which is increased every 500 ms. It is found that there is a critical value of the specific angular momentum, above which the standing shock wave revives, for a given combination of mass accretion rate and neutrino luminosity, i.e., an explosion can occur by rotation even if the neutrino luminosity is lower than the critical value for a given mass accretion rate in non-rotational models. The coupling of rotation and hydrodynamical instabilities plays an important role in characterizing the dynamics of shock revival for the range of specific angular momentum that are supposed to be realistic. Contrary to expectations from past studies, the most rapidly expanding direction of the shock wave is not aligned with the rotation axis. Being perpendicular to the rotation axis on average, it can be oriented in various directions. Its dispersion is small when the spiral mode of the standing accretion shock instability (SASI) governs the dynamics, while it is large when neutrino-driven convection is dominant. As a result of the comparison between two-dimensional and three-dimensional rotational models, it is found that m ≠ 0 modes of neutrino-driven convection or SASI are important for shock revival around the critical surface.
著作権等: © 2014. The American Astronomical Society.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/190988
DOI(出版社版): 10.1088/0004-637X/793/1/5


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