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タイトル: 緑地レクリェーションの計画的研究 第4報 : 都市小緑地におけるレクリェーション実態の研究
その他のタイトル: Planning Studies on Recreations in Greens Report 4 : The Study on Recreations in Urban Playlots
著者: 近藤, 公夫  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Kondo, Kimio
発行日: 15-Nov-1965
出版者: 京都大学農学部附属演習林
誌名: 京都大学農学部演習林報告
巻: 37
開始ページ: 219
終了ページ: 248
抄録: この研究は Immediate recreational spaceと見なされ, 都市生活者の休養生活に最も関係が深い都市小緑地, 特に児童公園, の利用実態を考察するものである。この調査は京都市内の児童公園約20に対し, '53年 (昭和28年) から断続して '64年 (昭和39年) まで行ない, この報告迄に次ぎの結果を得た。利用者の年齢構成は学齢前が35乃至40%, 小中学生を45乃至50%, 青年を5%, 壮年を10%程度と認められ, 利用者数では都市部の住居地区がha当り在園者として150人以上, 都市周辺の緑住混合地区が公園面積のやや大きいものを含んで同50人以下, と云う例が見られ, 普遍的な数値としては公園の利用密度をha当り最大100人程度と結論し得る。利用実態自体については上記年齢層別及び季節別に観察した結果, 学齢前では男女間に差がなく冬季・夏季に施設利用の遊びを中心とする利用減があり, 学齢層男子は夏季にのみ自由運動の減少があり, 同女子は冬季に施設利用の遊びの, 夏季に自由運動の減少があることを認め, その在園時間は学齢前で10乃至40分, 学齢層で20乃至60分と云う結果を得, 児童公園利用の平均人を想定すれば揺動施設利用が25%, 野球が15%, 静養その他が35%程度, また登攀施設・砂場・球技などが各5%, その他の遊戯が10%として, 5%括約値が得られる。なお, 知見の1部として利用者の日誘致傾向を見ると, 100m圏から学齢前の2人に1人, 学齢層の3人に1人であり, 200m帯から共に5人に1人と云う結果となっている。
The Study on recreations in urban playlots, i. e., immediate recreational green spaces for urban life, tries to prepare their planning approch with observation researches. Its contents are as follows : "Preface" explains on sampling studies about this reseach with about 30 playlots in Kyoto city, and their statistical confidence. "Problems on visitor's age-sex" shows that their almost 60% is male in sex, and 40% is pre-school, 45% is school children, 5% is youth in age, and appoints that their most crowded condition has more 150 users par ha. "Studies on recreational action" has static and dynamic observations and concludes as below: Pre-school children visit playlot most in warm season with facility plays and rests, school boys come less in hot season with sports, and girls less in cold and hot with facility plays and sports each. Also their stay is that children are 10 to 40 minutes, boys and girlp are 20 to 60 minuts with their 68% distribution. Their action's mean is 25% in swings, 5% in sand box, 5% in slides, 15% with baseball, 5% with various ball games and bicycle, 10% with free plays and 35% is rest and walk. Thus the mean user needs 30m2 of playlot in net, 50 to 100m2 of playlot in gross. "Studies on recreational effectivity" is studied with the concernation of staying number to daiy and year users, and that of user's number in relative population. Follows are its conclusions. Normal area's playlot daily induces 30% of less 15 years population from surrouding 200m radius community, but blighted's has half effectivity. According to facts that playlot daily induces 50% of pre-school age and 30% of school age being from surrrounding 100m radius area, and 20% of them from 101m to 200m distant belt; following functions is conclused with recreational effective ratio function log(R.E.R.) = b-alogD. R.E.R. means recreational effective ratio per year D means ecological effective distances as 100m is 0.001, 300m is 0.01, 1000m is 0.1 etc. log(R.E.R.) = 2.4-0.6logD preschoolager log (R.E.R.) = 3.1-0.3logD schoolager With above facts urban immediate playlot's effective distance is decided that 50m to 100m for pre-chool ager and 150m or 200m for school ager. With above facts, it will be posible to image a planning for urban playlot that pre-chool ager's lot shoul be sited at every 2 to 3 ha. area with about 0.05 ha. space in the case of 200 per ha. urban population, density and school ager's at every 20 to 30 ha. area with above 1 ha. sports space 15) And this kind idea is also shown in a new town planning at Hook, Hampshire in England. 16)
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/191396


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