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j.1365-246X.1993.tb01182.x.pdf1.34 MBAdobe PDF見る/開く
タイトル: Dynamic rupture processes on a dipping fault, and estimates of stress drop and strength excess from the results of waveform inversion
著者: Mikumo, Takeshi
Miyatake, Takashi
キーワード: dipping fault
dynamic rupture process
dynamic stress drop
strength excess
3-D model
発行日: Mar-1993
出版者: Oxford University Press
誌名: Geophysical Journal International
巻: 112
号: 3
開始ページ: 481
終了ページ: 496
抄録: The dynamic rupture processes on a dipping fault in a horizontally layered medium are investigated on 3-D, spontaneous shear-crack models. The wave equations for the 3-D space are solved numerically by a finite difference method under appropriate boundary conditions. the displacement components right above and right below the dipping fault plane have been obtained by solving the boundary conditions across the fault. It was found that the final fault slip on the hanging wall side is appreciably larger than that on the foot wall sideand that their amount is quite sensitive to the fault depth and the elastic heterogeneities of the mediumparticularly of the existence of low-velocity surface layers. On the basis of the above model the dynamic rupture process of the 1961 Kita-Mino earthquake in central Japan has been investigated with constraints of the fault parameters derived from the results of waveform inversion analysis. For this purposea locking fracture criterion was introduced for rupture propagationfrom which a lower bound of the maximum shear stress before the rupture and hence of the strength excess has been estimated. The dynamic stress drop has also been evaluated by repeated iterations to minimize the difference between the dynamic and kinematic fault slips. The results revealed quite heterogeneous distribution of strength excessindicating large values near the SW section of the fault at shallow depths and in the central bottom sectionin contrast to small values at mid-depths in the NE section around the rupture nucleus zone. the distribution of stress drop was also found to be heterogeneouswith the existence of high-stress drop zones in the NEshallow and bottom sections and a low-stress drop zone at most of mid-depths except in the SW section. These results suggest that the dynamic rupture of this earthquake initiates at a small nucleus zone with low-strength excess and small-stress dropthen broke the shallower and deeper fault sections with moderate-strength excess and high-stress dropand finally ruptured barrier zones with high-strength excess. These zones may be interpreted as weak and strong asperities and barriersrespectively.
著作権等: © Royal Astronomical Society
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/193400
DOI(出版社版): 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1993.tb01182.x
出現コレクション:三雲 健


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