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タイトル: 術後補助化学療法としてTS-1/CDDP 併用化学療法を施行した尿膜管癌の1例
その他のタイトル: A Case of Urachal Carcinoma Treated by TS-1/CDDP as Adjuvant Chemotherapy
著者: 井上, 克己  KAKEN_name
島田, 誠  KAKEN_name
斎藤, 克幸  KAKEN_name
小川, 雄一郎  KAKEN_name
松原, 英司  KAKEN_name
林, 圭一郎  KAKEN_name
松本, 祐樹  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Inoue, Katsuki
Shimada, Makoto
Saito, Katsuyuki
Ogawa, Yuuichiro
Matsubara, Eiji
Matsumoto, Yuuki
Keiichiro, Hayashi
キーワード: Urachal adenocarcinoma
Adjuvant chemotherapy
発行日: 30-Nov-2015
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 61
号: 11
開始ページ: 441
終了ページ: 443
抄録: A 49-year-old female presented complaining of gross hematuria. Cystoscopy and magnetic resonance imaging revealed a papillary tumor on the bladder dome. At biopsy pathology the tumor was diagnosed as adenocarcinoma. We diagnosed the tumor as urachal adenocarcinoma and performed partial cystectomy of bladder dome with en-bloc resection of the urachal ligament up to the umbilicus. In surgical pathology, the tumor had invaded to the fat tissue around the urachal ligament with metastasis to the lymph node. Therefore the tumor was diagnosed as a stage IVA (Sheldon’scategory) urachal adenocarcinoma. After surgery, 6cycles of chemotherapy with TS-1 and cisplatin (CDDP) were performed. There has been no relapse 5years after surgery. This is the first report of successful adjuvant chemotherapy with TS-1/CDDP for advanced urachal adenocarcinoma.
著作権等: 許諾条件により本文は2016/11/01に公開
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/202898
PubMed ID: 26699888
出現コレクション:Vol. 61 No. 11


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