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タイトル: 沖縄島およびその周囲の離島におけるカイヤドリヒドラ類(ヒドロ虫綱, 軟クラゲ目)のポリプの地理的分布
その他のタイトル: Geographical Distributions of Hydropolyps of Bivalve-inhabiting Hydrozoans (Hydrozoa, Leptomedusae) in Okinawa Island and Its Adjacent Islands, Japan
著者: 久保田, 信  KAKEN_name
小林, 亜玲  KAKEN_name
岩永, 節子  KAKEN_name
大城, 直雅  KAKEN_name
鳥越, 兼治  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Kubota, Shin
Kobayashi, Arei
Iwanaga, Setsuko
Oshiro, Naomasa
Torigoe, Kenji
キーワード: Barbatia virescens
Bivalve-inhabiting hydrozoans
Eugymnanthea japonica
Eutima japonica
Okinawa Island
発行日: 30-Sep-2005
出版者: 沖縄生物学会
誌名: 沖縄生物学会誌
巻: 43
開始ページ: 65
終了ページ: 70
抄録: Distributions of hydropolyps of bivalve-inhabiting hydrozoans were studied around Okinawa Island and its adjacent islands between 1990 and 2004. Eugymnanthea japonica was associated with the bivalves of Barbatia virescens, Crassostrea gigas, C. sp. and Dendrostrea sandvichensis, and was found from six of 20 stations surveyed, both on the western and eastern coasts of Okinawa Island (one station was on Yagaji Island, near the westen coast). Although the mature medusae of Eutima japonica, another member of this hydrozoan group, were recently found from Okinawa Island, hydropolyps of this species were not found.
著作権等: 発行元の許可を得て登録しています.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/215181


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