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タイトル: Yang-Baxter sigma models and Lax pairs arising from κ-Poincaré r-matrices
著者: Borowiec, Andrzej
Kyono, Hideki
Lukierski, Jerzy
Sakamoto, Jun ichi
Yoshida, Kentaroh
著者名の別形: 吉田, 健太郎
キーワード: Integrable Field Theories
Non-Commutative Geometry
Sigma Models
発行日: Apr-2016
出版者: Springer Verlag
誌名: Journal of High Energy Physics
巻: 2016
論文番号: 79
抄録: Abstract: We study Yang-Baxter sigma models with deformed 4D Minkowski spacetimes arising from classical r-matrices associated with κ-deformations of the Poincaré algebra. These classical κ-Poincaré r-matrices describe three kinds of deformations: 1) the standard deformation, 2) the tachyonic deformation, and 3) the light-cone deformation. For each deformation, the metric and two-form B-field are computed from the associated r-matrix. The first two deformations, related to the modified classical Yang-Baxter equation, lead to T-duals of dS4 and AdS4, respectively. The third deformation, associated with the homogeneous classical Yang-Baxter equation, leads to a time-dependent pp-wave background. Finally, we construct a Lax pair for the generalized κ-Poincaré r-matrix that unifies the three kinds of deformations mentioned above as special cases.
著作権等: © 2016, The Author(s). JHEP is an open-access journal funded by SCOAP3 and licensed under CC BY 4.0
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/216032
DOI(出版社版): 10.1007/JHEP04(2016)079


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