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タイトル: <論文>慶長遣欧使節通訳兼折衝役 シピオーネ・アマーティ--新出史料に見る人物像とその役割
その他のタイトル: Scipione Amati and the Japanese Mission of Hasekura Tsunenaga (1613-1620): his Background and Role from Documents in the Archive of the Colonna Family
著者: 小川, 仁  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: OGAWA, Hitoshi
発行日: 30-Mar-2016
出版者: 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科岡田温司研究室
誌名: ディアファネース -- 芸術と思想
巻: 3
開始ページ: 63
終了ページ: 81
抄録: Three years ago 2013 marked the 400th anniversary of the departure of the Keicho-period Japanese Mission to Europe, and interest in the Mission has been increasing as a result. The negotiator and interpreter for part of their tour was Scipione Amati (1583-1655?). He accompanied the Mission from Madrid to Rome (August 1615-January 1616), and published a report about it called Historia del regno di Voxu del Giappone (1615), while he left behind a report in manuscript about the political situation in Japan, Breve ristretto delli tre stati Naturale, Religioso, e Politico del Giapone (1616?). Although these reports are arguably the most important sources for the study of the Japanese Mission, little is known about Amati's background. I am particularly interested in Breve ristretto in which the emphasis is on the description about the Japanese political matters. According to the foreword of Historia del regno di Voxu del Giappone, when Amati had been writing the political paper about Tacitus at the palace of Vittoria Colonna in Madrid, he was elected as interpreter and negotiator of the Japanese Mission. In addition, he also glorifies the support he received from the Colonna family in all his undertakings in his other book. For the reason mentioned above and a look into his works, it is clear that Amati shared a relationship with the Colonna family. Relying on these hints, I made an attempt to research certain documents related to Amati in the Colonna Archive. I came unexpectedly upon 163 letters of Scipione Amati addressed to various Lords. This paper aims to fill in some of the gaps in knowledge about this important figure, by exploring Amati's personal background and his role in the Mission. Also, I will take this opportunity to introduce new historical materials about Amati, including a number of letters, recently uncovered at the Colonna archive, Subiaco.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/217008


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