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タイトル: A∞/L∞ structure and alternative action for WZW-like superstring field theory
著者: Goto, Keiyu
Matsunaga, Hiroaki
著者名の別形: 松永, 博昭
キーワード: String Field Theory
Superstrings and Heterotic Strings
発行日: Jan-2017
出版者: Springer Nature
誌名: Journal of High Energy Physics
巻: 2017
論文番号: 22
抄録: We propose new gauge invariant actions for open NS, heterotic NS, and closed NS-NS superstring field theories. They are based on the large Hilbert space, and have Wess-Zumino-Witten-like expressions which are the [Z2]-reversed versions of the conventional WZW-like actions. On the basis of the procedure proposed in arXiv:1505.01659, we show that our new WZW-like actions are completely equivalent to A∞/L∞ actions proposed in arXiv:1403.0940 respectively.
著作権等: © The Author(s) 2017
JHEP is an open-access journal funded by SCOAP3 and licensed under CC BY 4.0
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/218564
DOI(出版社版): 10.1007/JHEP01(2017)022


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