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The regulation of human blastoid research
  Sawai, Tsutomu; Akatsuka, Kyoko; Okui, Go; Minakawa, Tomohiro (2022-10-06)
  EMBO reports, 23(10)
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Mapping the Ethical Issues of Brain Organoid Research and Application
  Sawai, Tsutomu; Hayashi, Yoshiyuki; Niikawa, Takuya; Shepherd, Joshua; Thomas, Elizabeth; Lee, Tsung-Ling; Erler, Alexandre; Watanabe, Momoko; Sakaguchi, Hideya (2021-03-26)
  AJOB Neuroscience
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Promises and rules : The implications of rethinking the 14-day rule for research on human embryos
  Sawai, Tsutomu; Okui, Go; Akatsuka, Kyoko; Minakawa, Tomohiro (2021-09)
  EMBO reports, 22(9)
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Human Brain Organoids and Consciousness
  Niikawa, Takuya; Hayashi, Yoshiyuki; Shepherd, Joshua; Sawai, Tsutomu (2022-04)
  Neuroethics, 15(1)
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The legal personhood of human brain organoids
  Kataoka, Masanori; Lee, Tsung-Ling; Sawai, Tsutomu (2023-01)
  Journal of Law and the Biosciences, 10(1)
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The Ethics of Human Brain Organoid Transplantation in Animals
  Kataoka, Masanori; Gyngell, Christopher; Savulescu, Julian; Sawai, Tsutomu (2023-10)
  Neuroethics, 16(3)
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Is epigenome editing non-inheritable? Implications for ethics and the regulation of human applications
  Sasaki-Honda, Mitsuru; Akatsuka, Kyoko; Sawai, Tsutomu (2023-11-14)
  Stem Cell Reports, 18(11): 2005-2009
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The importance of accurate representation of human brain organoid research
  Kataoka, Masanori; Gyngell, Christopher; Savulescu, Julian; Sawai, Tsutomu (2023-08)
  Trends in Biotechnology, 41(8): 985-987
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The Donation of Human Biological Material for Brain Organoid Research: The Problems of Consciousness and Consent
  Kataoka, Masanori; Gyngell, Christopher; Savulescu, Julian; Sawai, Tsutomu (2024-02)
  Science and Engineering Ethics, 30(1)
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