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Title: A Croquis for the New Project: The Strategraphy of Capitalism: Capture-Devices of Capital
Authors: Nagahara, Yutaka
Author's alias: 長原, 豊
Keywords: Capital
Marxian economics
Issue Date: Mar-2017
Publisher: Institute for Research in Humanities Kyoto University
Journal title: ZINBUN
Volume: 47
Start page: 49
End page: 79
Abstract: This croquis is to sort out how the capture-devices of Capital have been conceptualised since the mid-60s - after especially "May ‘68" - under the context of the tension between Marxian economics and Marxism through taking into consideration the concepts invented by Louis Althusser, Nicos Poulantzas, Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, Mario Tronti, Antonio Negri, the early Alain Badiou, and the recent Maurizio Lazzarato.
Description: Special Issue: International Workshop "Power-Knowledge" or "State Apparatus" ? : Foucault/Althusser after May '68 (March 19, 2016)
Rights: © Copyright March 2017, Institute for Research in Humanities Kyoto University.
DOI: 10.14989/225136
Appears in Collections:No.47

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