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タイトル: Integrated trophic position decreases in more diverse communities of stream food webs
著者: Ishikawa, Naoto F.
Chikaraishi, Yoshito
Ohkouchi, Naohiko
Murakami, Aya R.
Tayasu, Ichiro
Togashi, Hiroyuki
Okano, Jun-ichi
Sakai, Yoichiro
Iwata, Tomoya
Kondoh, Michio
Okuda, Noboru  KAKEN_id
著者名の別形: 村上, 綾
岡野, 淳一
キーワード: Food webs
Stable isotope analysis
発行日: 18-May-2017
出版者: Springer Nature
誌名: Scientific Reports
巻: 7
論文番号: 2130
抄録: The relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning is an important theme in environmental sciences. We propose a new index for configuration of the biomass pyramid in an ecosystem, named integrated trophic position (iTP). The iTP is defined as a sum of trophic positions (i.e. the average number of steps involved in biomass transfer) of all the animals in a food web integrated by their individual biomass. The observed iTP for stream macroinvertebrates ranged from 2.39 to 2.79 and was negatively correlated with the species density and the Shannon–Wiener diversity index of the local community. The results indicate a lower efficiency of biomass transfer in more diverse communities, which may be explained by the variance in edibility hypothesis and/or the trophic omnivory hypothesis. We found a negative effect of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning.
著作権等: © The Author(s) 2017
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URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/227869
DOI(出版社版): 10.1038/s41598-017-02155-8
PubMed ID: 28522825


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