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Investigating Strategies for Sustainable Vegetable Food Crop System in Three Agro Ecological Zones of the Humid Tropics Area of Cameroon
  TATA NGOME, Precillia Ijang; AFARI-SEFA, Victor; NTSOMBOH-NTSEFONG, Godswill; OKOLLE, Justin; BILLA, Samuel Fru; MOMA, Crescence; ATEMKENG FONJI, Maureen; NGOME, Ajebesone Francis (2018-03)
  African Study Monographs, 39(1): 27-46
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Specific Incompleteness Elicited Complementary Action: Unexpected Legacy of the South African TRC
  ABE, Toshihiro; KHOISAN, Zenzile (2018-03)
  African Study Monographs, 39(1): 1-26
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