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タイトル: Study of KS0 pair production in single-tag two-photon collisions
著者: Masuda, M.
Uehara, S.
Watanabe, Y.
Adachi, I.
Ahn, J. K.
Aihara, H.
Al Said, S.
Asner, D. M.
Atmacan, H.
Aulchenko, V.
Aushev, T.
Ayad, R.
Babu, V.
Badhrees, I.
Bansal, V.
Behera, P.
Berger, M.
Bhardwaj, V.
Bhuyan, B.
Biswal, J.
Bondar, A.
Bonvicini, G.
Bozek, A.
Bračko, M.
Červenkov, D.  KAKEN_name
Chen, A.
Cheon, B. G.
Chilikin, K.
Cho, K.
Choi, Y.
Choudhury, S.
Cinabro, D.
Czank, T.
Dash, N.
Di Carlo, S.
Doležal, Z.
Drásal, Z.
Dutta, D.
Eidelman, S.
Epifanov, D.
Fast, J. E.
Ferber, T.
Fulsom, B. G.
Garg, R.
Gaur, V.
Gabyshev, N.
Garmash, A.
Gelb, M.
Giri, A.
Goldenzweig, P.
Guido, E.
Haba, J.
Hayasaka, K.
Hayashii, H.
Hedges, M. T.
Hou, W.-S.
Iijima, T.
Inami, K.
Inguglia, G.
Ishikawa, A.
Itoh, R.
Iwasaki, M.
Iwasaki, Y.
Jacobs, W. W.
Jaegle, I.
Jin, Y.
Joo, K. K.
Julius, T.
Kang, K. H.
Karyan, G.
Kawasaki, T.
Kichimi, H.
Kiesling, C.
Kim, D. Y.
Kim, H. J.
Kim, J. B.
Kim, K. T.
Kim, S. H.
Kodyš, P.
Kotchetkov, D.
Križan, P.
Kroeger, R.
Krokovny, P.
Kulasiri, R.
Kuzmin, A.
Kwon, Y.-J.
Lee, I. S.
Lee, S. C.
Li, L. K.
Li, Y.
Li Gioi, L.
Libby, J.
Liventsev, D.
Lubej, M.
Luo, T.
Matsuda, T.
Matvienko, D.
Merola, M.
Miyabayashi, K.
Miyata, H.
Mizuk, R.
Mohanty, G. B.
Moon, H. K.
Mori, T.
Mussa, R.
Nakao, M.
Nakazawa, H.
Nanut, T.
Nath, K. J.
Natkaniec, Z.
Nayak, M.
Niiyama, M.
Nisar, N. K.
Nishida, S.
Ogawa, S.
Okuno, S.
Ono, H.
Onuki, Y.
Pakhlov, P.
Pakhlova, G.
Pal, B.
Park, H.
Paul, S.
Pedlar, T. K.
Pestotnik, R.
Piilonen, L. E.
Ritter, M.
Rostomyan, A.
Russo, G.
Sakai, Y.
Salehi, M.
Sandilya, S.
Santelj, L.
Sanuki, T.
Savinov, V.
Schneider, O.
Schnell, G.
Schwanda, C.
Seidl, R.
Seino, Y.
Senyo, K.
Seon, O.
Sevior, M. E.
Shebalin, V.
Shen, C. P.
Shibata, T.-A.
Shimizu, N.
Shiu, J.-G.
Shwartz, B.
Sokolov, A.
Solovieva, E.
Starič, M.
Strube, J. F.
Sumihama, M.
Sumiyoshi, T.
Takizawa, M.
Tamponi, U.
Tanida, K.
Tenchini, F.
Teramoto, Y.
Uchida, M.
Uglov, T.
Unno, Y.
Uno, S.
Urquijo, P.
Van Hulse, C.
Varner, G.
Vinokurova, A.
Vorobyev, V.
Vossen, A.
Wang, B.
Wang, C. H.
Wang, M.-Z.
Wang, P.
Wang, X. L.
Watanabe, M.
Widmann, E.
Won, E.
Ye, H.
Yuan, C. Z.
Yusa, Y.
Zakharov, S.
Zhang, Z. P.
Zhilich, V.
Zhukova, V.
Zhulanov, V.
Zupanc, A.
Belle Collaboration
著者名の別形: 新山, 雅之
発行日: 1-Mar-2018
出版者: American Physical Society (APS)
誌名: Physical Review D
巻: 97
号: 5
論文番号: 052003
抄録: We report a measurement of the cross section for KS0 pair production in single-tag two-photon collisions, γ∗γ→KS0KS0, for Q² up to 30 GeV², where Q² is the negative of the invariant mass squared of the tagged photon. The measurement covers the kinematic range 1.0 GeV<W<2.6 GeV and |cosθ∗|<1.0 for the total energy and kaon scattering angle, respectively, in the γ∗γ center-of-mass system. These results are based on a data sample of 759 fb⁻¹ collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy e⁺e⁻ collider. For the first time, the transition form factor of the f2′(1525) meson is measured separately for the helicity-0, -1, and -2 components and also compared with theoretical calculations. We have derived the cross section for the process for W<2.6 GeV from 121 signal candidate events. Finally, the γ∗γ partial decay widths of the χc₀ and χc₂ mesons are measured as a function of Q² based on 10 candidate events in total.
著作権等: Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP³.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/231093
DOI(出版社版): 10.1103/PhysRevD.97.052003


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