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タイトル: Search for B⁻→μ⁻߫νμ Decays at the Belle Experiment
著者: Sibidanov, A.
Varvell, K. E.
Adachi, I.
Aihara, H.
Al Said, S.
Asner, D. M.
Aushev, T.
Ayad, R.
Babu, V.
Badhrees, I.
Bahinipati, S.
Bakich, A. M.
Bansal, V.
Barberio, E.
Behera, P.
Bhuyan, B.
Biswal, J.
Bozek, A.
Bračko, M.
Browder, T. E.
Červenkov, D.  KAKEN_name
Chang, P.
Chekelian, V.
Chen, A.
Cheon, B. G.
Chilikin, K.
Cho, K.
Choi, S.-K.
Choi, Y.
Cinabro, D.
Czank, T.
Dash, N.
Di Carlo, S.
Doležal, Z.
Drásal, Z.
Dutta, D.
Eidelman, S.
Epifanov, D.
Fast, J. E.
Ferber, T.
Fulsom, B. G.
Gaur, V.
Gabyshev, N.
Garmash, A.
Goldenzweig, P.
Greenwald, D.
Guan, Y.
Guido, E.
Haba, J.
Hayasaka, K.
Hayashii, H.
Hedges, M. T.
Hirose, S.
Hou, W.-S.
Hsu, C.-L.
Iijima, T.
Inami, K.
Inguglia, G.
Ishikawa, A.
Itoh, R.
Iwasaki, M.
Iwasaki, Y.
Jacobs, W. W.
Jaegle, I.
Jeon, H. B.
Jin, Y.
Joo, K. K.
Julius, T.
Kahn, J.
Kaliyar, A. B.
Kang, K. H.
Karyan, G.
Kawasaki, T.
Kiesling, C.
Kim, D. Y.
Kim, J. B.
Kim, S. H.
Kim, Y. J.
Kinoshita, K.
Kodyš, P.
Korpar, S.
Kotchetkov, D.
Križan, P.
Krokovny, P.
Kuhr, T.
Kulasiri, R.
Kumar, R.
Kuzmin, A.
Kwon, Y.-J.
Lange, J. S.
Lee, I. S.
Li, C. H.
Li, L.
Li Gioi, L.
Libby, J.
Liventsev, D.
Lubej, M.
Luo, T.
Masuda, M.
Matsuda, T.
Merola, M.
Miyabayashi, K.
Miyata, H.
Mizuk, R.
Mohanty, G. B.
Moon, H. K.
Mori, T.
Mussa, R.
Nakano, E.
Nakao, M.
Nanut, T.
Nath, K. J.
Natkaniec, Z.
Nayak, M.
Niiyama, M.
Nisar, N. K.
Nishida, S.
Ogawa, S.
Okuno, S.
Ono, H.
Pakhlov, P.
Pakhlova, G.
Pal, B.
Park, C.-S.
Park, C. W.
Park, H.
Paul, S.
Pedlar, T. K.
Pestotnik, R.
Piilonen, L. E.
Ritter, M.
Rostomyan, A.
Rozanska, M.
Sakai, Y.
Salehi, M.
Sandilya, S.
Sato, Y.
Savinov, V.
Schneider, O.
Schnell, G.
Schwanda, C.
Seino, Y.
Senyo, K.
Sevior, M. E.
Shebalin, V.
Shen, C. P.
Shibata, T.-A.
Shiu, J.-G.
Simon, F.
Sokolov, A.
Solovieva, E.
Starič, M.
Strube, J. F.
Stypula, J.
Sumihama, M.
Sumisawa, K.
Sumiyoshi, T.
Takizawa, M.
Tamponi, U.
Tanida, K.
Tenchini, F.
Trabelsi, K.
Uchida, M.
Uehara, S.
Uglov, T.
Unno, Y.
Uno, S.
Urquijo, P.
Van Hulse, C.
Varner, G.
Vorobyev, V.
Wang, C. H.
Wang, M.-Z.
Wang, P.
Watanabe, M.
Watanuki, S.
Widmann, E.
Won, E.
Yamashita, Y.
Ye, H.
Yelton, J.
Yuan, C. Z.
Yusa, Y.
Zhang, Z. P.
Zhilich, V.
Zhukova, V.
Zhulanov, V.
Zupanc, A.
発行日: 20-Jul-2018
出版者: American Physical Society (APS)
誌名: Physical Review Letters
巻: 121
号: 3
論文番号: 031801
抄録: We report the results of a search for the rare, purely leptonic decay B^{-}→μ^{-}ν[over ¯]_{μ} performed with a 711  fb^{-1} data sample that contains 772×10^{6}  BB[over ¯] pairs, collected near the ϒ(4S) resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy e^{+}e^{-} collider. The signal events are selected based on the presence of a high momentum muon and the topology of the rest of the event showing properties of a generic B-meson decay, as well as the missing energy and momentum being consistent with the hypothesis of a neutrino from the signal decay. We find a 2.4 standard deviation excess above background including systematic uncertainties, which corresponds to a branching fraction of B(B^{-}→μ^{-}ν[over ¯]_{μ})=(6.46±2.22±1.60)×10^{-7} or a frequentist 90% confidence level interval on the B^{-}→μ^{-}ν[over ¯]_{μ} branching fraction of [2.9, 10.7]×10^{-7}.
著作権等: Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP³.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/236199
DOI(出版社版): 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.031801
PubMed ID: 30085771


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