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タイトル: <論説>雍正帝の治政と年羹堯断罪事件 : 朋党・営私問題を中心として
その他のタイトル: <Articles>Imperial Policy and the Fall of Nien Keng-yao 年羹堯 in the Yung-cheng 雍正 Reign
著者: 大谷, 敏夫  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Ohtani, Toshio
発行日: 1-Jul-1976
出版者: 史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
誌名: 史林
巻: 59
号: 4
開始ページ: 575
終了ページ: 619
抄録: 雍正年間に発生した年羮堯・蔡珽断罪事件を通して雍正帝の治政について考察する。この両事件共、朋党・営私が断罪の理由であったが、その内容に於ては差異がみられる。年羹堯の場合は、陝甘総督であると共に撫遠大将軍としての地位を利用して朋党の網を拡大し、地方行政を意のままに行なった。一方蔡珽の場合は、御史権を濫用し、科挙官僚層の支持のもとに朋党を結成した。雍正帝が朋党を厳禁した理由は、いずれにしても朋党が皇帝の独裁権を弱める働きをしたからである。ここから朋党結成と表裏の関係にあるとみられた封建論は斥けられた。次に年羮堯の営私(私財蓄積) についてみると、抄没・冒餉・捐納・贈賄・私販等凡ゆる手段を駆使していること、またその経営に家人が当っている点に特色がある。世宗は官僚の私欲を抑制する一連の財政策を実施したが、究極的には官僚の倫理的自覚を要請し、それが無視された場合断罪を実施した。
In this article the author examines the political behavior of the Yung-chêng emperor in the light of the proscriptions of Nien Kêng-yao, Ts'ai T'ing 蔡珽, and their factions. The two proscriptions resulted from charges of both factionalism and peculation, but differed considerably so far as the specifics were concerned. Nien Kêng yao's crime was that he took advantage of his positions as governor of Shensi-Kansu 陜西甘粛 and garrison commander of Fuyuan 撫遠 to extend the scope of his faction and that he bent local administration to his own purposes. Ts'ai Toing, on the other hand, had organized his faction with the support of regular bureaucrats who had come up through the examinations, by abusing his censorial authority. The reason why the Yung-chêng emperor prohibited factionalism so strictly was that it tended to weaken the absolute power of the emperor. It is also why arguments in favor of feng-chien 封建 were rejected: they seemed closely connected with the maneuvres of the factions. Nien's peculation involved numerous devices such as arbitrary confiscations, embezzlement of military funds, traffic in official titles, bribery, and private trade, with his household clients (chia-jên 家人) directing the management of his property. The Yung-chêng emperor, it is concluded, implemented a number of financial policies aimed at restraining the self-interest of his bureaucrats; he preferred as a matter of principle to appeal to their better nature, but was ready to punish them when the appeal was disregarded.
記述: 個人情報保護のため削除部分あり
DOI: 10.14989/shirin_59_575
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/238299


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