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タイトル: <論説>古代日本の紡織体制 : 桛・綛かけ・糸枠の分析から
その他のタイトル: <Articles>Textile production Systems at the Beginning of the Ritsuryo Era Based on Archaeological Analysis
著者: 東村, 純子  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: HIGASHIMURA, Junko
発行日: 1-Sep-2004
出版者: 史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
誌名: 史林
巻: 87
号: 5
開始ページ: 603
終了ページ: 641
抄録: 律令制成立期の紡織体制について、特に平織の布や絹の生産の仕組みは史料の制約からほとんど明らかでない。本稿では、七世紀後葉以降に宮都や地方の官衙遺跡から多く出土する綛かけ・糸枠について、機能上必要な加工と装飾を目的とした加工を識別し、形態上の特徴を整理した。さらに、製糸具の[カセ]、製織具の綛かけ・糸枠の組成を検討した結果、紡織工程が製糸と製織とに分かれ、糸が綛の形で流通することを明らかにした。平城宮・京では、製糸は行わず、高級絹織物を含む絹の製織を行った。地方では、七世紀後葉に郡衙工房で布や絹の製織、周辺の集落で麻の製糸を分担する伊場遺跡型が成立する。その一方、七世紀中葉から有力豪族の本拠地で製糸から製織までを一連に行う屋代遺跡型が認められる。前者は生産の効率化を図ったもので、後者は、調庸制成立の素地ともなったと評価した。
The textile production system from the second half of the seventh century to the eighth century has remained unclear, especially as concerns production in the provinces, due to a lack of historical documents. This study, however, clarifies the textile production systems both in the capital and the provinces by analyzing excavated tools used in textile production such as "niddy noddies" 桛, rotary reels 綛かけ, and frame spools 糸枠. The result of research on these tools shows that rotary reels and frame spools were the chief weaving tools employed in the Heijo palace and capital. This finding buttresses the thesis supported by written evidence that silk twill was made in the area but also reveals that yarn was not produced there. On the other hand, there were two types of production systems in the provinces. One is the type found at the Yashiro-site where both spinning tools, such as "niddy noodies" and spindle wheels, and weaving tools, such as rotary reels and frame spools, were found in a regional leader's residential workshop. This indicates people in such areas employed a unified textile-making process from spinning to weaving. The other type has been found at the Iba-site, where spinning and weaving tools were found in separate locations, the spindle wheels in residential areas and rotary reels and frame spools in public office quarters. This shows that people in such regions divided textile making into two separate processes, spinning and weaving. Further analysis reveals that after yarn was made, it was brought to a public workshop in the form of skeins, a mass of yarn wound into a loop. This study thus clarifies textile production systems in the capital and the provinces at the beginning of the Ritsuryo era and brings new light on research into textile production.
DOI: 10.14989/shirin_87_603
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/239816


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