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タイトル: <論説>天和・貞享期の綱吉政権と天皇
その他のタイトル: <Articles>The Government of Tokugawa Tsunayoshi and the Emperor During the Tenna-Jokyo Period
著者: 野村, 玄  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: NOMURA, Gen
発行日: 30-Nov-2010
出版者: 史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
誌名: 史林
巻: 93
号: 6
開始ページ: 719
終了ページ: 747
抄録: 本稿は、天和・貞享期の綱吉政権による対天皇政策について、従来必ずしも論証されてこなかった同政権の政策実施目的の解明を目指した。その結果、天和期の綱吉は、廃一宮により傷ついた皇位継承行為の権威回復を図り、その一環として立太子節会の再興を容認していたことが判明した。また、貞享期の綱吉は、京都所司代と宮中との必要以上の接近による幕府の威光の減退を恐れ、京都所司代・稲葉正往を更迭し、宮中の奢移抑制及び霊元天皇の素行是正と、次代の東山天皇への悪影響防止のため、霊元天皇の譲位の早期実現を目指したこと、その過程で霊元天皇から示された大嘗会再興の要望も、譲位の早期実現の観点から容認していたことが明らかとなった。綱吉は「武家之天下」の主宰者として、幕府の威光と外聞を意識し、皇位とその担い手の皇族を慎重に管理しようとしたが、儀式の再興は、将軍綱吉の皇位管理政策を実現させる一つの手段であったこと等を指摘した。
This study aims to clarify the heretofore seldom-studied goals of the policy of the government of Tokugawa Tsunayoshi in terms of its policy toward the emperor during the Tenna and Jokyo eras. As a result of this study, it is clear that Tsunayoshi devised a plan to restore the authority of the imperial succession, which had been damaged with the removal of the First Prince during the Tenna period, and as part of this plan he recognized the revival of the Rittutaishi sechi-e, the court ceremony held on the accession to the position of heir apparent. Moreover, I have made clear that Tsunayoshi in the Jokyo era replaced the magistrate, Inaba Masayuki 稲葉正往, out of fear of the reduction of the Shogunate's authority due to the overly close connections between the Kyoto magistrate and the palace; and that he imposed a system of sumptuary regulations on the court and revised the activities of Emperor Reigen, and in an effort to prevent untoward influences on the successor, the future Emperor Higashiyama, he sought to bring about the early abdication of Emperor Reigen; and in that process he recognized the revival of the Daijo-e, imperial accession ceremony, which Emperor Reigen had sought, from the viewpoint of the realizing an early abdication. I also point out that Tsunayoshi, as the head of the warrior-led realm, was conscious of the authority and reputation of the Shogunate and attempted to carefully manage the throne and imperial family who upheld it and that the revival of ritual was one method used in Shogun Tsunayoshi's policy to manage the throne.
DOI: 10.14989/shirin_93_719
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/240149


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