
No.49   16

文献一覧(目次の昇順ソート): 1 - 16 / 16
Cover & Contents
  ZINBUN, 49
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Comment les féministes japonaises ont-elles réagi à propos de la pilule?: Vision du corps et du couple au sein du mouvement Ûman-ribu
  Aizawa, Nobuyo (2019-03)
  ZINBUN, 49: 1-9
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Water Before Fish: Japan's Fundamental Fisheries Survey and the Currents of Empire, 1909-1918
  Ericson, Kjell David (2019-03)
  ZINBUN, 49: 11-29
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Contesting Canada's Narrative of Nation through Canadian Nikkei Children's Literature
  De Souza, Lyle F. (2019-03)
  ZINBUN, 49: 31-55
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Michel Foucault face à la complexité des univers normatifs
  Pfersmann, Otto (2019-03)
  ZINBUN, 49: 57-77
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Introduction: The A-bomb and Medical History
  Tanaka, Yuriko (2019-03)
  ZINBUN, 49: 79-80
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Defining Hibakusha in Postwar Japan: The Boundaries of Medicine and the Law
  Loh, Shi Lin (2019-03)
  ZINBUN, 49: 81-92
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Nuclear Minds: Japanese Psychiatry's Encounter with the Atom
  Zwigenberg, Ran (2019-03)
  ZINBUN, 49: 93-101
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Records and Diaries Regarding Atomic Bomb Casualties Written by Medical Doctors and Scientists
  Nakao, Maika (2019-03)
  ZINBUN, 49: 103-111
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Perspectives of the Year 1945 and Turning Points in the History of Science
  Tanaka, Yuriko (2019-03)
  ZINBUN, 49: 113-121
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  Morimoto, Atsuo (2019-03)
  ZINBUN, 49: 123-124
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Sur les <<Auteurs>> des Fêtes de Ramire: lecture d'un passage des Confessions de Rousseau
  Kuwase, Shojiro (2019-03)
  ZINBUN, 49: 125-140
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L'auteur en excès: deux inconnus des Lumières
  Ribard, Dinah (2019-03)
  ZINBUN, 49: 141-155
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L'autorité paternelle et l'auctorialité mineure: sur le sujet de l'écriture chez Rétif de La Bretonne
  Morimoto, Atsuo (2019-03)
  ZINBUN, 49: 156-171
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Institute for Research in Humanities, Staff and Research Projects
  ZINBUN, 49: 173-187
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Submission Guidelines for ZINBUN
  ZINBUN, 49: 189-190
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文献一覧(目次の昇順ソート): 1 - 16 / 16