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タイトル: <論説>平安初期の国衙と富豪層 : 国衙領形成過程の一側面
その他のタイトル: <Articles>The Local Government Office and the Fugo (富豪) Class in Early Heian (平安) Period
著者: 戸田, 芳実  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Toda, Yoshimi
発行日: 1-Mar-1959
出版者: 史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
誌名: 史林
巻: 42
号: 2
開始ページ: 231
終了ページ: 253
抄録: 九・十世紀に律令制を転換させた潜在勢力の中心は、当時「富豪」といわれた階層であるが、律令制の致命傷となつた浪人の中にもこの富豪層が居り、八世紀末から庄園のみならず公領でも活躍した。この富豪浪人を住民と共に再組織するために、地方の各国衙は九世紀後半に一国的な慣習法=「国例」を定め、被支配身分・徴税法・処罰規定等について、律令法の基本的修正を行つた。一方、大量の稲穀を蓄積した富豪層は、それを投下して直営地経営と高利貸を行い、その活動を基礎として納税請負人となる。そこに「名」の一つの起源がある。そしてその請負行為も国例として制度化され、富豪を中心とした公領の納税責任者は、一率に「負名」の身分を獲得し、かくして国衙領の公民が出現するのである。
The leading factor of the potential powers which converted Japanese Codal System (律令制) in the ninth and tenth century was the social class called "Fugō" or the rich at that time. They were even in the Rōnin (浪人) or the vagabonds, a death-wound for the Codal System, taking an active part in Kōryō (公領) or the State-owned territory as well as manors after the end of the ninth century. To reorganize these rich vagabonds with inhabitants, each Kokuga (国衙) or local government office established "Kokurei" (国例) or the custamary laws for single county in the second half of the ninth century, which were the fundamental amendment of the Code on the status of the ruled, tax-collection law, penal regulation, and so on. On the other hand, the Fugō who accumulated a lot of rice as their property kept land under direct management and practiced usury through the investment of the property, on the basis of which they became tax-paying contractors, where there was one of the origins of Myō (名). Their contracting business was operated as an institution by Kokuga, and responsible persons for tax-paying, of whom the leading factor was Fugō, obtained the status of "Fumyō" (負名) uniformly, and then there appeared Kōmin (公民) in the Kokugaryō (国衙領) or the territory of local government.
DOI: 10.14989/shirin_42_231
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/249401


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