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タイトル: Influence of tweets and diversification on serendipitous research paper recommender systems
著者: Nishioka, Chifumi  kyouindb  KAKEN_id
Hauke, Jörn
Scherp, Ansgar
著者名の別形: 西岡, 千文
キーワード: Recommender system
Experimental study
User study
Scholarly articles
Digital library
発行日: 18-May-2020
出版者: PeerJ
誌名: PeerJ Computer Science
巻: 6
論文番号: e273
抄録: In recent years, a large body of literature has accumulated around the topic of research paper recommender systems. However, since most studies have focused on the variable of accuracy, they have overlooked the serendipity of recommendations, which is an important determinant of user satisfaction. Serendipity is concerned with the relevance and unexpectedness of recommendations, and so serendipitous items are considered those which positively surprise users. The purpose of this article was to examine two key research questions: firstly, whether a user’s Tweets can assist in generating more serendipitous recommendations; and secondly, whether the diversification of a list of recommended items further improves serendipity. To investigate these issues, an online experiment was conducted in the domain of computer science with 22 subjects. As an evaluation metric, we use the serendipity score (SRDP), in which the unexpectedness of recommendations is inferred by using a primitive recommendation strategy. The results indicate that a user’s Tweets do not improve serendipity, but they can reflect recent research interests and are typically heterogeneous. Contrastingly, diversification was found to lead to a greater number of serendipitous research paper recommendations.
記述: The records of the review process are available at: https://peerj.com/articles/cs-273/reviews/
reviews.pdf includes the reviewers' contributions as follows:
* Anonymous Reviewer (2020) Peer Review #1 of "Influence of tweets and diversification on serendipitous research paper recommender systems (v0.1)". PeerJ Computer Science https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj-cs.273v0.1/reviews/1
* Achakulvisut T (2020) Peer Review #2 of "Influence of tweets and diversification on serendipitous research paper recommender systems (v0.1)". PeerJ Computer Science https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj-cs.273v0.1/reviews/2
* Anonymous Reviewer (2020) Peer Review #1 of "Influence of tweets and diversification on serendipitous research paper recommender systems (v0.2)". PeerJ Computer Science https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj-cs.273v0.2/reviews/1
著作権等: © 2020 Nishioka et al.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, reproduction and adaptation in any medium and for any purpose provided that it is properly attributed. For attribution, the original author(s), title, publication source (PeerJ Computer Science) and either DOI or URL of the article must be cited.
The copyright of reviews are attributed to each reviewer and reviews are also distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/252939
DOI(出版社版): 10.7717/peerj-cs.273
PubMed ID: 33816924
関連リンク: https://peerj.com/articles/cs-273/reviews/


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