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タイトル: Physicochemical and Electrochemical Properties of K[N(SO₂F)₂]-[N-Methyl-N-propylpyrrolidinium][N(SO₂F)₂] Ionic Liquids for Potassium-Ion Batteries
著者: Yamamoto, Takayuki  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3553-3272 (unconfirmed)
Matsumoto, Kazuhiko  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0770-9210 (unconfirmed)
Hagiwara, Rika  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7234-3980 (unconfirmed)
Nohira, Toshiyuki  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4053-554X (unconfirmed)
著者名の別形: 山本, 貴之
松本, 一彦
萩原, 理加
野平, 俊之
キーワード: General Energy
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
Surfaces, Coatings and Films
発行日: 31-Aug-2017
出版者: American Chemical Society (ACS)
誌名: The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
巻: 121
号: 34
開始ページ: 18450
終了ページ: 18458
抄録: The physicochemical and electrochemical properties of the binary ionic liquid, K[FSA]–[C₃C₁pyrr][FSA] (FSA = bis(fluorosulfonyl)amide; C₃C₁pyrr = N-methyl-N-propylpyrrolidinium), were investigated at 253–393 K, with the aim of developing a new electrolyte for potassium-ion batteries (K-ion batteries; KIBs). A phase diagram was constructed from the results of differential scanning calorimetry measurements and revealed that the melting point of this ionic liquid is below room temperature for compositions of x(K[FSA]) = 0–0.25 (x(K[FSA]) = molar fraction of K[FSA]). The viscosity, ionic conductivity, and density were measured for x(K[FSA]) = 0–0.25. The ionic conductivity when x(K[FSA]) = 0.20 was 4.8 mS cm⁻¹ at 298 K, which is higher than that for the equivalent sodium and lithium ionic liquids. Cyclic voltammetry measurements of M[FSA]–[C₃C₁pyrr][FSA] ionic liquids (x(M[FSA]) = 0.20; M = K, Na, or Li) indicated that potassium metal deposition/dissolution occurs at a more negative potential than that for lithium and sodium deposition/dissolution, suggesting that KIBs with a high operating voltage can be constructed using K[FSA]–[C₃C₁pyrr][FSA] as an ionic liquid electrolyte.
著作権等: This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b06523.
This is not the published version. Please cite only the published version.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/261771
DOI(出版社版): 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b06523


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