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dc.contributor.author村元, 健一ja
dc.contributor.alternativeMURAMOTO, Ken'ichien
dc.description.abstractIn regard to the tombs on Mangshang 邙山that the Northern Wei built after transferring the capital to Luoyang, Su Bai 宿白 pointed out that the custom of clan burial was still maintained by the Xianbei 鮮卑 and his theory still has great influence today. This theory postulates that the sinification policy of the Emperor Xiaowen 孝文帝 did not extend to funerary customs. In this paper I trace the changes in the Mangshan tombs and examine the theory of Su and consider what the dynasty sought in the configuration of the tombs. As for the tombs established by Emperor Xiaowen immediately after the transfer of the capital to Luoyang, the imperial tomb was placed on the western edge and the imperial Yuan clans tombs nearby, while the tombs of high-ranking officials of the Han people were placed in the vicinity of the tomb of Western Jin DuYu 杜預 in the east. The separation of the Xianbei and Han tombs that had existed since the Pingcheng 平城 period was maintained. During the reign of Emperor Xuanwu 宣武帝, the imperial family tombs were located to the east of the Chanhe river 瀍河, and on the west bank of the Chanhe was the emperor's own tomb. It is also a distinctive characteristic of this period that only members of the imperial family and emperors' wives were buried in the accompanying satellite tombs built around the emperors' tombs. In the reign of Emperor Kaoming 孝明帝, the intervention of the emperor and empress regarding the placement of imperial family's tombs increased, and determining locations of tombs became a means of dominating the imperial family. The tombs of maternal relatives also came to be regarded as accompanying satellite tombs. Burial within the imperial tomb complex of the Northern Wei tombs on Mangshan was limited only to members of the imperial family and emperors' wives and maternal relatives, and there is no record of even influential Xianbei, to say nothing of Han people, being allowed to have accompanying satellite graves within the imperial tomb complex. Examining changes after the transfer of the capital to Luoyang, we see the greatest goal continued to be securing a burial site for the Xianbei who had moved south. In addition, we note that the Northern Wei dynasty first established the superiority of the imperial Yuan clan based on the configuration of tombs. Then, in the reign of Emperor Xuanwu another change was the existence of an area especially dedicated to imperial tombs. Next, during the reign of Emperor Kaoming, the emperor intervened in the selection of tombs for imperial kin. In this way the intent to determine the configuration of tombs consistently corresponds to the establishment of imperial power. Moreover, it is difficult to regard the placement of tombs as a reflection of the clan system as Su had claimed. It would be more appropriate to consider it a natural concentration of family tombs just as was the case with the Han people. In general, the Northern Wei tombs on Mangshan can be understood in the course of sinification, resembling the Han practice, in terms of tomb arrangement, structure, funeral ritual and so on, but with respect to tomb configuration and accompanying satellite graves, practices were distinct from those of the Han dynasty, functioning as one means to strengthen the emperor's power while resolving political problems at one time or another.en
dc.publisher.alternativeTHE TOYOSHI-KENKYU-KAI : The Society of Oriental Researches, Kyoto Universityen
dc.title.alternativeThe Composition and Transition of the Tombs on Mangshan during the Luoyang Era of the Northern Weien
dc.typejournal article-
dc.type.niitypeJournal Article-
dcterms.accessRightsopen access-
dc.identifier.jtitle-alternativeTHE TOYOSHI-KENKYU : The journal of Oriental Researchesen


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