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タイトル: φρομαλαροとprm'nδ'r --トハーリスターンとソグドにおける在地役人の比較研究--
その他のタイトル: φρομαλαρο and prm'nδ'r :A comparative study of local officials in Tukhāistān and Sogd
著者: 宮本, 亮一  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: MIYAMOTO, Ryoichi
キーワード: トハーリスターン
発行日: 30-Dec-2018
出版者: 東洋史研究会
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 77
号: 3
開始ページ: 580
終了ページ: 547
抄録: By grace of new information from the Bactrian documents which were deciphered and edited by N. Sims-Williams, we can now research several new subjects on the history, geography and society of Tukhāristān. In this article, we consider φρομαλαρο, which was one of the local officials in the region. Although we have newdocuments, these are not enough to allowus to investigate the title in detail. Therefore, we also deal with a Sogdian title prm'nδ'r mentioned in the Mugh documents, whose etymology is the same as φρομαλαρο, and then compare the functions of these two officials. By examining the Bactrian documents which mention φρομαλαρο, we find that the person who bore this title carried out or conveyed an order given by the local ruler and collected tax. Moreover, we can point out the possibility that φρομαλαρο might have made work a person being in a lower rank and there might have been several φρομαλαροs at the same time in several provinces called by þαρο/þαυρο in the Bactrian documents. We can also find that Sogdian prm'nδ'r played much the same role as Bactrian φρομαλαρο in the local society with the exception of tax collection. Along with the exception, prm'nδ'r had a function which Bactrian φρομαλαρο did not have, that is collection and distribution of commodities or livestock, such as grain, wine, sheep, etc. However, considering the fact that we completely lack knowledge about the tax system in Sogd, we could regard the above-mentioned function of prm'nδ'r as a kind of tax collection. If so, we could say that the roles of two officials were almost identical.
DOI: 10.14989/267204
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/267204


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