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Title: The impact of GVHD on outcomes after adult single cord blood transplantation in European and Japanese populations
Authors: Kanda, Junya  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid (unconfirmed)
Hayashi, Hiromi
Ruggeri, Annalisa
Kimura, Fumihiko
Volt, Fernanda
Takahashi, Satoshi
Kako, Shinichi
Tozatto-Maio, Karina
Yanada, Masamitsu
Sanz, Guillermo
Uchida, Naoyuki
Angelucci, Emanuele
Kato, Seiko
Mohty, Mohamad
Forcade, Edouard
Tanaka, Masatsugu
Sierra, Jorge
Ohta, Takanori
Saccardi, Riccardo
Fukuda, Takahiro
Ichinohe, Tatsuo
Kimura, Takafumi
Rocha, Vanderson
Okamoto, Shinichiro
Nagler, Arnon
Atsuta, Yoshiko
Gluckman, Eliane
Author's alias: 諫田, 淳也
林, 裕美
木村, 文彦
高橋, 聡
賀古, 真一
柳田, 正光
内田, 直之
加藤, せい子
田中, 正嗣
太田, 貴徳
福田, 隆浩
一戸, 辰夫
岡本, 真一郎
熱田, 由子
Keywords: Epidemiology
Risk factors
Issue Date: Jan-2022
Publisher: Springer Nature
Journal title: Bone Marrow Transplantation
Volume: 57
Issue: 1
Start page: 57
End page: 64
Abstract: The impact of GVHD and graft-versus-leukemia effect in unrelated cord blood transplantation (UCBT) is controversial. In the Eurocord/ALWP EBMT and JSTCT/JDCHCT collaborative study, we evaluated the impact of GVHD on UCBT outcomes in Japanese and European registries. A total of 3, 690 adult patients with acute leukemia who received their first single UCBT were included. A multivariate analysis of overall survival (OS) revealed a positive impact of grade II acute GVHD compared with grade 0-I GVHD, in the Japanese cohort (hazard ratio (HR), 0.81; P = 0.001), and an adverse impact in the European cohort (HR, 1.37; P = 0.007). A negative impact of grade III-IV acute GVHD on OS was observed regardless of registries. In the analysis of relapse, a positive impact of grade II acutes GVHD compared with grade 0–I GVHD was observed only in the Japanese cohort, regardless of disease risk. The positive impact of limited chronic GVHD on OS was observed only in the Japanese cohort. In conclusion, a positive impact of mild GVHD after a single UCBT was observed only in the Japanese cohort. This could explain the ethnic difference in UCBT outcomes and might contribute to the preference usage of UCBT in Japan.
Description: 急性白血病治療における臍帯血移植後の合併症が及ぼす予後への影響 --国際共同研究から明らかになった日欧での違い--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-10-19.
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DOI(Published Version): 10.1038/s41409-021-01479-4
PubMed ID: 34635798
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