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Title: Long-term evolution of a merger-remnant neutron star in general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics: Effect of magnetic winding
Authors: Shibata, Masaru  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid (unconfirmed)
Fujibayashi, Sho
Sekiguchi, Yuichiro
Author's alias: 柴田, 大
関口, 雄一郎
Keywords: Gravitational wave sources
Accretion disk & black-hole plasma
Neutron stars & pulsars
Numerical relativity
Gravitation, Cosmology & Astrophysics
Issue Date: Feb-2021
Publisher: American Physical Society (APS)
Journal title: Physical Review D
Volume: 103
Issue: 4
Thesis number: 043022
Abstract: Long-term ideal and resistive magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) simulations in full general relativity are performed for a massive neutron star formed as a remnant of binary neutron star mergers. Neutrino radiation transport effects are taken into account as in our previous papers. The simulation is performed in axial symmetry and without considering dynamo effects as a first step. In the ideal MHD, the differential rotation of the remnant neutron star amplifies the magnetic-field strength by the winding in the presence of a seed poloidal field until the electromagnetic energy reaches ∼ 10% of the rotational kinetic energy, E[kin], of the neutron star. The timescale until the maximum electromagnetic energy is reached depends on the initial magnetic-field strength and it is ∼ 1 s for the case that the initial maximum magnetic-field strength is ∼ 10¹⁵ G. After a significant amplification of the magnetic-field strength by the winding, the magnetic braking enforces the initially differentially rotating state approximately to a rigidly rotating state. In the presence of the resistivity, the amplification is continued only for the resistive timescale, and if the maximum electromagnetic energy reached is smaller than ∼ 3% of E[kin], the initial differential rotation state is approximately preserved. In the present context, the post-merger mass ejection is induced primarily by the neutrino irradiation/heating and the magnetic winding effect plays only a minor role for the mass ejection.
Rights: Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI. Open access publication funded by the Max Planck Society.
DOI(Published Version): 10.1103/PhysRevD.103.043022
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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