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タイトル: <Articles>Babel is Us: Self, Grief and Surrender in a Film of A. G. Iñárritu
発行日: 25-Jul-2022
出版者: 京都大学大学院教育学研究科臨床教育学コース
誌名: 臨床教育人間学
巻: 16
開始ページ: 64
終了ページ: 70
抄録: In this paper I suggest the possibility of an analogy between the experience of grief and that of communication based on the common element of surrender. I propose an interpretation of the film Babel, by Alejandro Gonzáles Iñárritu, according to which the film provides four examples of how surrender and reciprocal trust is crucial to survival. I focus on the sense of disconnectedness that affects some of Iñárritu's characters and explore how they are able to resolve it through the encounter with others. In the end, I reflect on the paradoxes that are at the heart of the film and how they are a feature of human life itself, what makes people feel closer beyond the borders of language and nationalities.
記述: 特集I : 京都大学大学院教育学研究科 ユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン教育研究所 国際合同授業 (2022年2月5日-7日, オンライン)
“Thinking about Education through Film”, International Collaborative Course, Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University and UCL IOE (February 5-7, 2022, Online)
著作権等: ©2022 The Author
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/275736


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