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Title: Emergence of the ρ resonance from the HAL QCD potential in lattice QCD
Authors: Akahoshi, Yutaro
Aoki, Sinya
Doi, Takumi
Author's alias: 赤星, 友太郎
青木, 愼也
Keywords: Hadron-hadron interactions
Lattice QCD
Quantum field theory
Lattice gauge theory
Particles & Fields
Nuclear Physics
Issue Date: Sep-2021
Publisher: American Physical Society (APS)
Journal title: Physical Review D
Volume: 104
Issue: 5
Thesis number: 054510
Abstract: We investigate the I=1 ππ interaction using the HAL QCD method in lattice QCD. We employ the (2+1)-flavor gauge configurations on 32³×64 lattice at the lattice spacing a≈0.0907  fm and mπ≈411  MeV, in which the ρ meson appears as a resonance state. We find that all-to-all propagators necessary in this calculation can be obtained with reasonable precision by a combination of three techniques, the one-end trick, the sequential propagator, and the covariant approximation averaging (CAA). The nonlocal I=1 ππ potential is determined at the next-to-next-to-leading order (N²LO) of the derivative expansion for the first time, and the resonance parameters of the ρ meson are extracted. The obtained ρ meson mass is found to be consistent with the value in the literature, while the value of the coupling gρππ turns out to be somewhat larger. The latter observation is most likely attributed to the lack of low-energy information in our lattice setup with the center-of-mass frame. Such a limitation may appear in other P-wave resonant systems and we discuss possible improvement in future. With this caution in mind, we positively conclude that we can reasonably extract the N²LO potential and resonance parameters even in the system requiring the all-to-all propagators in the HAL QCD method, which opens up new possibilities for the study of resonances in lattice QCD.
Rights: Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3.
DOI(Published Version): 10.1103/physrevd.104.054510
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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