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Heat Transfer on the Surface of a Flat Plate in the Forced Flow
  SUGAWARA, Sugao; SATŌ, Takashi (1952-01-31)
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, 14(1): 21-37
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Characteristics of a Thermocouple Anemometer
  KAWATA, Suekichi; ŌMORI, Yoshirō; NISHIMURA, Kōichi (1952-01-31)
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, 14(1): 12-20
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On the Solution of a Circular Plate of Non-uniform Thickness
  NARUOKA, Masao (1952-01-31)
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, 14(1): 1-11
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On the Vaporization and Combustion Properties of Gasoline Spray
  NAGAO, Fujio; OHIGASHI, Syun'iti (1952-01-31)
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, 14(1): 38-62
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The Current Distribution in an Electrolytic Cell : Application of the Elliptic Integral to the Chemical Engineering
  OKADA, Shinzō; YOSHIZAWA, Shiro; HINE, Fumio (1952-01-31)
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, 14(1): 63-76
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Cover and Contents
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, 14(1)
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