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Effects of Cobalt-60 Gamma Radiation on Poly (vinyl alcohol) : II. Effects of Gamma Radiation on Water-Swollen Poly (vinyl alcohol) Films
  SAKURADA, Ichiro; NAKAJIMA, Akio; AOKI, Hirosi (1959-02-20)
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, 21(1): 94-102
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Effects of Cobalt-60 Gamma Radiation on Poly (vinyl alcohol) : I. Effects of Gamma Radiation on Solid Poly (vinyl alcohol) Films
  SAKURADA, Ichiro; NAKAJIMA, Akio; AOKI, Hirosi (1959-02-20)
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, 21(1): 84-93
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