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Numerical Calculation of Turbulent Open-Channel Flows in Consideration of Free-Surface Effect
  NEZU, Iehisa; NAKAGAWA, Hiroji (1987-05-28)
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, 49(2): 111-145
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Graph Packing over a Rooted Tree
  ZHANG, Ze-Zeng; MASUYAMA, Shigeru; IBARAKI, Toshihide; MINE, Hisashi (1987-05-28)
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, 49(2): 206-215
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Discrete tones generated by the impingement of a high-speed jet on a circular cylinder
  UMEDA, Yoshikuni; MAEDA, Hiroshi; ISHII, Ryuji (1987-05-28)
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, 49(2): 174-205
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Behavior of a Model Bipolar Cell with Cylindrical Electrodes
  MIYAZAKI, Yoshinori; KATAGIRI, Akira; YOSHIZAWA, Shiro; TAKEHARA, Zenichiro (1987-05-28)
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, 49(2): 162-173
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Transient Commutation Characteristics of Small-Sized DC Motor
  ANDO, Tsuguo; UMOTO, Juro (1987-05-28)
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, 49(2): 146-161
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