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The Steady-State and Transient Characteristics of the Chopper-Modulated Circuit Having Four Circuit Modes
  HAYASHI, Shigenori; MIZUKAMI, Kōichi (1964-10-27)
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, 26(4): 284-300
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Approximate Solution of Optimal Control Problem by Using Linear Programming Technique
  SAKAWA, Yoshiyuki (1964-10-27)
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, 26(4): 274-283
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Analysis of Sampled-Data Feedback Control Systems with Finite Pulse Width
  HAYASHI, Shigenori; MIZUKAMI, Kōichi (1964-10-27)
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, 26(4): 301-316
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Particle Size Estimation from Pressure Drops of a Pneumatic Conveying Pipe Line
  IINOYA, Koichi; GOTO, Keishi (1964-10-27)
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, 26(4): 328-335
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An Experimental Study of Bubble Motion on a Heating Surface in Nucleate Boiling
  MICHIYOSHI, Itaru; NAKAJIMA, Tsuyoshi (1964-10-27)
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, 26(4): 336-352
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A Method to Optimize the Stability of a Linear Dynamic System
  MAEDA, Hiroshi (1964-10-27)
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, 26(4): 317-327
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