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Cover and Contents
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, 40(1)
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A New Approach to Transient Stability Region of Synchronous Generator
  OHSAWA, Yasuharu (1978-01)
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, 40(1): 8-15
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Hydrothermal Synthesis of Braunite in the Systems MnOOH-SiO₂, Mn₃O₄-SiO₂, and MnO₂-SiO₂
  HINO, Hidenobu; MINATO, Taneo; KUSAKABE, Yoshihiko (1978-01)
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, 40(1): 16-29
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Application of Fenchel's Duality Theorem to Penalty Methods in Convex Programming
  MINE, Hisashi; FUKUSHIMA, Masao (1978-01)
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, 40(1): 30-40
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On Acoustic Dispersion In MF₆-type Molecules
  HIGASHI, Kunio; DOI, Hideo; KONO, Yutaka; MATSUDA, Yoshihisa (1978-01)
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, 40(1): 1-7
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