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Title: Fundamental Research of the Superfinish
Authors: SASAKI, Tokio
OKAMURA, Kenjiro
Issue Date: 25-Sep-1954
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 16
Issue: 3
Start page: 157
End page: 165
Abstract: On the various work materials, the most suitable condition of cutting motion in the superfinish, and the relation of the abrasive stone pressure and cutting direction angle to the characteristics of superfinished surface have been investigated. As to the speed of cutting, it was found that the higher the speed, the better the efficiency provided the speed is kept within the range in which harmful vibrations of superfinishing machine bed is not produced, and as to the cutting direction angle, 40°~60° to be most efficient. In addition, the characteristics of superfinishing_ process may be classified into “cutting”, “semi-cutting” and “mirror-finishing” according to the values of stone pressure and cutting direction angle, and the most efficient cutting condition has been found on the boundary line of “cutting” and “semi-cutting”.
Appears in Collections:Vol.16 No.3

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