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Title: Equilibrium Constant of Reaction Al₂O₃(s)=2Al+3O in Liquid Iron
Authors: SAWAMURA, Hiroshi
MORI, Toshisada
ARAKI, Taiji
Issue Date: 1957
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 19
Issue: 2
Start page: 207
End page: 219
Abstract: After inspecting the results of the experimental investigations hitherto published regarding the equilibrium constant of the reaction Al₂O₃(s)=2Al+3O, the Gokcen and Chipman's result was considered to be more reliable than those of other investigators. The reason for it was that their result agrees exactly with that of the thermodynamic calculation of Chipman. The Geller and Dicke's experimental result and the result of the thermodynamic calculation of Chipman were revised, using the new thermodynamic data. It was confirmed that the agreement between the revised Geller and Dicke's result and the Gokcen and Chipman's result above stated is very good, and the discrepancy between the original Chipman's result and the result revised by the present authors is very small. The average of the following three results may be expressed by : logK₂=loga²Aₗa³ₒ=-65, 200/T+21.33 1) The experimental result of Geller and Dicke revised by the present authors. 2) The experimental result of Gokcen and Chipman. 3) The result of the thermodynamic calculation of Chipman revised by the present authors.
Appears in Collections:Vol.19 No.2

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