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Title: A Design of a Three-Component Tool Dynamometer
Authors: OKUSHIMA, Keiji
HITOMI, Katsundo
Issue Date: 30-Oct-1961
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 23
Issue: 4
Start page: 321
End page: 334
Abstract: A new three-component tool dynamometer was designed. It consists of an elastic disc which is supported at its periphery. A cutting tool is installed in the center of the disc. Strain gages are attached to the disc for the force measurements. The three components of a cutting force are measured independently without any interference among them. It was found from the experimental results that this tool dynamometer has sufficient sensitivity, rigidity, and stability for practical use. This tool dynamometer is very simple in shape, and its characteristic was analyzed theoretically. The best position for the strain gages was determined, and nomographs were prepared for the design of tool dynamometers of this type.
Appears in Collections:Vol.23 Part 4

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