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Title: Behavior of The Space Charge Produced by The Positive Impulse Corona in Air
Authors: YAMAMOTO, Osamu
KOUNO, Toshihiko
HAYASHI, Muneaki
Issue Date: 30-Jun-1983
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 45
Issue: 2
Start page: 132
End page: 139
Abstract: This paper describes the behavior of the space charge produced by the corona by applying the positive lightning impulse voltage to the rod-plane air gap. The relation between the amount of space charge and the injected charge from the rod electrode is discussed here. It was found that the amount of space charge became smaller than the injected charge for the corona highly developed so as to bridge the gap between the electrodes.
Appears in Collections:Vol.45 Part 2

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