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Title: Recovery of Uranium from Sea Water. Current State of Technology and Requirements of Future Research
Authors: TABUSHI, Iwao
KOBUKE, Yoshiaki
Issue Date: 31-Mar-1984
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 46
Issue: 1
Start page: 51
End page: 60
Abstract: The present status of technology for the recovery of uranium has been reviewed. Adsorbent qualities were discussed in terms of three important criteria : adsorption rate, equilibrium adsorption and chemical as well as physical stability. It was elucidated that a significant improvement of the adsorption rate is most important. Efforts were made to clarify factors influencing the adsorption rate. A method to treat a tremendous amount of sea water is of much importance as well. Pumping-up and direct use of sea currents were compared with each other. It has been emphasized that the active utilization of the various advantages of the latter method is crucial for the realization of the recovery project. The physical capability of the method was illustrated. Some composite systems with electric power generation plants were also discussed.
Appears in Collections:Vol.46 Part 1

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