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Title: Analysis of Errors in Albedo Monte Carlo Calculation due to Errors in Albedo Data
Authors: SHIN, Kazuo
NAKANO, Hiroyuki
HYODO, Tomonori
Issue Date: 31-Oct-1986
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 48
Issue: 4
Start page: 386
End page: 395
Abstract: The error analysis method, which enables one to make an estimation of errors in the streaming neutron flux due to errors in the albedo data in the albedo Monte Carlo calculation, is described. The proposed method is based on a perturbation model which follows the same neutron path as in the unperturbed case, and estimates the flux error as a deviation in the neutron weight each time a neutron has a collision. As an example of the application of the proposed method, neutron duct streaming problems in 2-m long concrete ducts are analyzed. The importance of neutron scattering in each energy group to the streaming neutron flux is quantitatively described by the method.
Appears in Collections:Vol.48 Part 4

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