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Title: Reduced-order Models of Power Systems based on Controllability and Observability
Authors: MATSUKI, Junya
Issue Date: 30-Jul-1989
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 51
Issue: 3
Start page: 153
End page: 168
Abstract: Reduced-order models for dynamic control of power systems are formulated using a modal analysis technique, based on the notion of controllability and observability. In this technique, an input/ouutput index is used to identify and rank the strongly controllable and observable modes of the system given a particular input/output pair. The system state variables that are strongly related to the retained modes are then determined by analysis of a participation factor martrix. Davison's method of reducing linear systems is then applied to formulate the desired reduced order dynamic equivalent. This technique of forming dynamic equivalents is investigated on a single machine infinite bus system. Several reduced order model equivalents are formed and evaluated on their performance and accuracy.
Appears in Collections:Vol.51 Part 3

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