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タイトル: Active Participation in a Sci-Tech Community: Collaborative Peer Review
著者: Armstrong, Mathew
McCarthy, Tanya  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8882-7798 (unconfirmed)
発行日: Aug-2021
出版者: The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT)
誌名: JALT Postconference Publication - Issue 2020.1; August 2021
開始ページ: 215
終了ページ: 223
抄録: Active participation in learning is a central concept in many higher education institutions in Japan. For science and technology students in particular, learning approaches that promote collaboration, self-regulatory practices, and critical thinking in the L2, are especially encouraged in order to help prepare students for real-life research and/or professional situations. A collaborative learning initiative, iLearn, is introduced in this paper, which aims to help raise awareness of the qualities of good scientific writing and presentations by encouraging critical evaluation of authentic research through peer-review practices. Methodologically, the researchers examined peer-review exchanges of scientific posters and papers and then used content analysis to identify, categorize, and analyze meaningful exchanges. The authors concluded that it is worthwhile to implement collaborative programs that can help sci-tech learners to participate effectively in international and intercultural settings.
記述: JALT2020: Communities of Teachers & Learners, November 16-24, 2020, Online
著作権等: © 1996-2023 by JALT and their respective authors
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/282723
DOI(出版社版): 10.37546/jaltpcp2020-27


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