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タイトル: Deep-Sea-Inspired Chemistry: A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Bottom of the Ocean for Chemists
著者: Deguchi, Shigeru
Degaki, Hiroki
Taniguchi, Ikuo
Koga, Tsuyoshi  kyouindb  KAKEN_id
著者名の別形: 出口, 茂
出垣, 大貴
谷口, 育雄
古賀, 毅
キーワード: Cellulose
Peptides and proteins
発行日: 13-Jun-2023
出版者: American Chemical Society (ACS)
誌名: Langmuir
巻: 39
号: 23
開始ページ: 7987
終了ページ: 7994
抄録: The ocean constitutes approximately 70% of Earth’s surface. Its average depth is 3688 m, of which depths beyond 200 m are classified as the deep sea. The deep sea is distinct from the surface of the ocean in terms of pressure, temperature, and sunlight. The unique physicochemical processes under the extreme environment of the deep sea and the specialized biochemical mechanisms developed by organisms to survive in the deep sea can serve as a vast source of inspiration for scientific and technological advancements. In this Perspective, we discuss three examples of deep-sea-inspired chemistry: (1) soft materials that respond to high pressures such as those observed in the deep sea; (2) molecular self-assembly inspired by the chemistry of hot and compressed water in deep-sea hydrothermal vents; and (3) nanobiotechnology and biomimetics inspired by survival strategies of deep-sea organisms. Finally, we provide an outlook on deep-sea-inspired chemistry. This Perspective aims to promote the sustainable utilization of the ocean based on knowledge, as opposed to the conventional utilization of the ocean solely based on resources. We hope that this Perspective will encourage chemists to harness their inspiration gleaned from the deep sea.
記述: 「深海インスパイヤード化学」のコンセプトを発表 --カーボンニュートラル実現に向けた新たな深海利用の提案--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-06-09.
著作権等: Copyright © 2023 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society
This is an open access article published under a Creative Commons Non-Commercial NoDerivative Works (CC-BY-NC-ND) Attribution License, which permits copying and redistribution of the article, and creation of adaptations, all for non-commercial purposes.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/283302
DOI(出版社版): 10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c00516
PubMed ID: 37266948
関連リンク: https://www.t.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/research/topics/20230609


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