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dc.descriptionIn case that corrections are made, overwrite the modified version in the following web page: https://www.rri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/PUB/report/PR/ProgRep2022/ProgRep2022.htmlen
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-1 Development of Alubmin Binding Gadolinium Complexes for MRI-Guided BNCT/ S. Okada et al. (R4017) [179]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-2 Iodophenyl-Conjugated closo-Dodecaborate as a Promising Small Boron Agent for BNCT/ K. Nishimura et al. (R4026) [180]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-3 Effects of overexpression of LAT1 in cancer stem cell-like cells on suppression of tumor growth by boron neutron capture therapy/ K. Ohnishi et al. (R4027) [181]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-4 Optimization study of polymer-BPA conjugates for non-clinical study/ T. Nomoto et al. (R4030) [182]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-5 Neutron capture therapy using Gd-chelated polymeric drug delivery systems/ Y. Miura et al. (R4031) [183]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-6 Lipid-coated boronic oxide nanoparticles as a boron agent for BNCT/ R. Kawasaki et al. (R4032) [184]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-7 Combination Effect of Shikonin on BPA-BNCT toward SCCVII Cells-Bearing C3H Mice/ K. Bando et al. (R4033) [185]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-8 The Response of Tumor Cells to BNCT/ Y. Tong et al. (R4036) [186]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-9 Elucidating the effects of boron neutron capture therapy on host immunity in mice tumor models/ T. Watanabe et al. (R4040) [187]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-10 Development of carborane-containing amino acid derivatives for BNCT/ A. Niitsu et al. (R4043) [188]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-11 Development of Nano Carriers Installed with Gd(III)-Thiacalixarene Complex for Gd-NCT/ N. Iki et al. (R4044) [189]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-12 International Screening study of Boron/Gadolinium Compounds for NCT of malignant tumors, 2022/ RR. Zairov et al. (R4047) [190]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-13 Fluorescent Dodecaborate to Development of Theranostic Type Boron Carrier/ Y. Hattori et al. (R4051) [191]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-14 Evaluatiomn of gadolinium biodistribution and tumor-killing effects of surface-modified gadolinium-loaded chitosan nanoparticles for gadolinium neutron capture therapy/ T. Andoh et al. (R4055) [192]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-15 Basic research to expand the indication of boron neutron capture therapy to non-neoplastic diseases/ T. Watanabe et al. (R4056) [193]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-16 In Vivo Efficacy of BPA-Ionic Liquid as a Novel Compound for BNCT (2)/ M. Shirakawa et al. (R4059) [194]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-17 Synthesis of a Novel Boron Compound with Potential Peptide-Related Nuclear Import (2)/ M. Shirakawa et al. (R4060) [195]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-18 Construction of novel Boron-containing silica nanoparticles and BNCT experiments/ F. Tamanoi et al. (R4092) [196]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-19 Development of Gadolinium-loaded mesoporous silica-based nanoparticles and application to cancer radiotherapy/ F. Tamanoi et al. (R4093) [197]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-20 Is the boron neutron capture reaction captured using CR-39 related to boron concentration and cell viability?/ K. Nakai et al. (R4095) [198]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-21 L-Phenylalanine Deficiency in Human Tumor Cells Improves BNCT Therapeutic Efficiency/ Y. Tamari et al. (R4097) [199]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-22 Mechanism of Glioma Resistance After BNCT Conferred by Glioma Niche/ N. Kondo et al. (R4103) [200]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-23 Antitumor effect of boron neurton capture therapy in vulvar cancer mouse model./ S. Terada et al. (R4106) [201]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-24 Anti-tumor effect of boron neutron capture therapy in pelvic human colorectal cancer in a mouse model/ J. Arima et al. (R4111) [202]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-25 Research and Development of New Technology for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy/ M. Xu et al. (R4131) [203]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-26 Observation of Intracellular Boron Neutron Capture Reaction with a Novel Boron Compound/ R. Nozaki et al. (R4132) [204]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-27 Observation of Tumor Tissue Destruction with Boron Neutron Capture Reaction/ R. Nozaki et al. (R4133) [205]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-28 Study on Intracellular Protein Destruction by Boron Neutron Capture Reaction/ Y. Takamura et al. (R4134) [206]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-29 Attempts to sensitize tumor cells by exploiting the tumor microenvironment/ Y. Sanada et al. (R4139) [207]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-30 Enhancement of Tumour Growth Suppression by Bubble Liposome/Ultrasound Stimulation on Intraveneous Injection of ¹⁰BSH entrapped PEG Liposome for Boron-Neutron Capture Therapy to Pancreatic Cancer Model in vivo/ H. Yanagie et al. (R4149) [208]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-31 The basic research of boron neutron capture therapy for spinal cord gliomas in rat spinal cord glioma models/ K. Tsujino et al. (R4150) [209]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-32 Boron neutron capture therapy using folate receptor targeted novel boron carrier for F98 rat brain tumor models/ K. Tsujino et al. (R4151) [210]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-33 Development of a Nanomaterial-based Boron Delivery System for BNCT/ G. Choi et al. (R4160) [211]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-34 Gadolinium-containing nanoparticles grafted with polyglycerol for magnetic resonance imaging and gadolinium neutron capture therapy of cancer/ L. Zhao et al. (R4161) [212]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-35 Development of theranostic agents for boron neutron capture therapy and its companion diagnostics/ K. Ogawa et al. (R4162) [213]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-36 Development of Novel Small-molecule Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Drugs Targeting Tumor-specific Enzymatic Activity/ J. Tsunetomi et al. (R4167) [214]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-37 Quantitative Evaluation Method of Elemental Contents Related to Activation in Radiation Shielding Concrete/ T. Takata et al. (R4168) [215]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-38 Synthesis and evaluation of a novel boron neutron capture therapy agent/ H. Kimura and M. Suzuki (R4177) [216]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-39 Investigating Gd-EDTMP as a Neutron Capture Therapy Agent for Mammary Tumor Bone Metastasis in Mouse Models/ T. Matsukawa et al. (R4178) [217]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-40 Tumour Growth Suppression by Intra-Tumoural Injection of Gadolinium-Polyplex with Bubble Liposome/Ultrasound Stimulation for Gadolinium-Neutron Capture Therapy to Pancreatic Cancer Model inVivo/ H. Yanagie et al. (R4179) [218]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-41 Basic research on new BNCT strategies for melanoma/ H. Michiue et al. (R4181) [219]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-42 New boron drug development research targeting pancreatic cancer/ H. Michiue et al. (R4182) [220]en
dc.description.tableofcontentsCO7-43 Boron-compound diagnostics in the plant using a neutron capture reaction/ T. Kinouchi (R4183) [221]en
dc.publisherInstitute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Kyoto Universityen
dc.title7. Neutron Capture Therapyen
dc.identifier.jtitleKURNS Progress Reporten
dcterms.accessRightsopen access-


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