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タイトル: Differentiated historical demography and ecological niche forming present distribution and genetic structure in coexisting two salamanders (Amphibia, Urodela, Hynobiidae) in a small island, Japan
著者: Niwa, Keita
Tran, Dung Van
Nishikawa, Kanto  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6274-4959 (unconfirmed)
著者名の別形: 丹羽, 奎太
西川, 完途
キーワード: Biodiversity
Population Biology
発行日: 28-Apr-2022
出版者: PeerJ
誌名: PeerJ
巻: 10
論文番号: e13202
抄録: [Background] The climatic oscillations in the Quaternary period considerably shaped the distribution and population genetic structure of organisms. Studies on the historical dynamics of distribution and demography not only reflect the current geographic distribution but also allow us to understand the adaption and genetic differentiation of species. However, the process and factors affecting the present distribution and genetic structure of many taxa are still poorly understood, especially for endemic organisms to small islands. [Methods] Here, we integrated population genetic and ecological niche modelling approaches to investigate the historical distribution and demographic dynamics of two co-existing salamanders on Tsushima Island, Japan: the true H. tsuensis (Group A), and Hynobius sp. (Group B). We also examined the hypothesis on the equivalency and similarity of niches of these groups by identity and background tests for ecological niche space. [Results] Our result showed that Group A is considered to have undergone a recent population expansion after the Last Glacial Maximum while it is unlikely to have occurred in Group B. The highest suitability was predicted for Group A in southern Tsushima Island, whereas the northern part of Tsushima Island was the potential distribution of Group B. The results also suggested a restricted range of both salamanders during the Last Interglacial and Last Glacial Maximum, and recent expansion in Mid-Holocene. The genetic landscape-shape interpolation analysis and historical suitable area of ecological niche modelling were consistent, and suggested refugia used during glacial ages in southern part for Group A, and in northern part of Tsushima Island for Group B. Additionally, we found evidence of nonequivalence for the ecological niche of the two groups of the salamanders, although our test could not show either niche divergence or conservatism based on the background tests. The environmental predictors affecting the potential distribution of each group also showed distinctiveness, leading to differences in selecting suitable areas. Finally, the combination of population genetics and ecological modeling has revealed the differential demographic/historical response between coexisting two salamanders on a small island.
著作権等: © 2022 Niwa et al.
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URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/286101
DOI(出版社版): 10.7717/peerj.13202
PubMed ID: 35505683


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