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タイトル: プログラムレベルの学習成果の評価 --総和と軌跡--
その他のタイトル: Program-level assessment of learning outcomes : Sum and trajectory
著者: 松下, 佳代  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: MATSUSHITA, Kayo
キーワード: 学習成果
learning outcomes
program-level assessment
Minerva Schools at KGI( Minerva University)
PEPA (Pivotal Embedded Performance Assessment)
sum and trajectory
発行日: Oct-2021
出版者: 大学基準協会
誌名: 大学評価研究
巻: 20
開始ページ: 23
終了ページ: 31
抄録: The purpose of this paper is to present two concepts of assessing program-level learning outcomes, that is, learning outcomes acquired through degree programs, and to examine and propose assessment methods considering the difference of these two concepts. The concept of “sum” means to grasp the learning outcomes at the program level as the sum of individual courses while disregarding the time aspect. On the other hand, “trajectory” means to grasp learning outcomes along with the progress of student learning and with the time aspect included. The current trends in assessment of program-level learning outcomes in Japanese universities are biased toward the sum-based methods, which have the problem of adding up multiple, ambiguous, and substantially different competences, and do not take into account changes in these competences during undergraduate education. In this paper, we pointed out that it is necessary to supplement the sum-based methods with trajectory-based ones. Furthermore, as concrete illustrations that combine both methods, we examined the case of Minerva Schools at KGI and introduced an original method called Pivotal Embedded Performance Assessment (PEPA) and its practical applications.
記述: 寄稿 論文
Reflecting again student's learning outcomes in higher education
著作権等: 発行元の許可を得て登録しています.
© 公益財団法人大学基準協会
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/286340


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