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Title: Bayesian Updating on Time Intervals at Different Magnitude Thresholds in a Marked Point Process and Its Application to Synthetic Seismic Activity
Authors: Tanaka, Hiroki
Umeno, Ken
Author's alias: 田中, 宏樹
梅野, 健
Issue Date: 15-Feb-2024
Publisher: Physical Society of Japan
Journal title: Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
Volume: 93
Issue: 2
Thesis number: 024001
Abstract: We present a Bayesian updating method on the inter-event time intervals at different magnitude thresholds in a marked point process toward probabilistic forecasting of an upcoming large event using temporal information on smaller events. Bayes’ theorem that yields the one-to-one relationship between intervals at lower and upper magnitude thresholds is presented. This theorem is extended to Bayesian updating for an uncorrelated marked point process that yields the relationship between multiple consecutive lower intervals and one upper interval. We derive the inverse probability density function and the condition under which it has a peak. Further, we derive its approximation function that consists of the kernel part that includes the product of conditional probabilities and a correction term. Bayesian updating is applied numerically to the time series of a seismic activity model. We estimate the time of an upcoming large event using the maximum point of the kernel part and evaluate its accuracy by the relative error with the actual occurrence time. We further evaluate the forecasting effectiveness by the continuity of updates with acceptable accuracy before the large event. Statistical results indicate that forecasting is relatively effective immediately or long after the last major event in which stationarity dominates in time series.
Rights: ©2024 The Author(s)
This article is published by the Physical Society of Japan under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the article, journal citation, and DOI.
DOI(Published Version): 10.7566/JPSJ.93.024001
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